Mexican Street Corn, Skillet Style

Spice Profile: ancho chiles, annatto, black pepper, cilantro, coriander, cumin, garlic, salt, mexican oregano, onion, oregano, paprika, sugar, tamarind, turmeric

This recipe is a repeat from last year because it is that good.

Shuck 6 ears of corn, then cut off the kernels & put into a large bowl.  (Optional: dice 1 onion & 2 cloves garlic)  In the bowl, combine the corn, onion & garlic (if using) with 1/3 cup of mayo & the spice packet (2 tsps) of Stock+Spice Mexican Street Corn Seasoning.  Salt to taste.  In a large sauce pan or Dutch oven – melt 2 TBSP butter & add the corn mixture.  Sauté over medium-high heat, stirring often for 8-9 minutes.  Remove from heat, toss in some fresh cilantro, (optional), plus the juice of one fresh lime, and combine well. Enjoy as side, or heap into cabbage leaf “taco shells” & add a sliced avocado!



Curried Fingerling Fries

