Quick Winter Daikon Radish Pickles

A really simple and delicious way to add a little zip to your salad. Quick pickles are easy to make and always crunchy. They will store in the refrigerator for months—though they usually get eaten faster than that. Try this one out!

Wash up one medium or large daikon, (you may have extra). Slice it up into your preferred cut. I used a crinkle knife and cut it into disks. Peel and very loosely chop up one small onion. Stuff all of this along with the spice pack (2 Tbsp Stock +Spice Winter Daikon Spice) into a quart jar, leaving a little space at the top.

In a pot, add equal parts cider vinegar, (or your vinegar of choice), to water. I used 1 cup of each and it was just the right amount. You can also add a tablespoon or two of sugar if you like sweeter pickles. Heat to just a boil, then carefully pour into the jar, enough to cover the radish. Cover and place it in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. Open and enjoy!




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