Parsnip Loaf Cake

Check out my video demonstration of this recipe!

Spice Profile - Vanilla and Spice: allspice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, lemon zest, lemon oil, mace, nutmeg, orange zest, orange oil, vanilla extract powder

Very simple and delicious! This cake is adapted from a recipe found here.

Finely grate one medium parsnip and set aside.

In a large bowl, cream 1 ½ sticks of room-temperature butter with ¾ cup sugar until light and fluffy. A mixer works great for this, but a sturdy spoon will do the job too.

Add three eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

Stir in the grated parsnip and the spice packet (2 teaspoons Stock+Spice vanilla and spice mix), mixing until well combined.

Sift in 1 ⅔ cups all-purpose flour and 2 teaspoons baking powder, then mix until fully incorporated.

Gently stir in 3 tablespoons milk until the batter is smooth.

Pour the batter into a greased and floured loaf pan, spreading it evenly.

Bake in a 340°F oven for about 60 minutes, or until a tester skewer comes out clean. If the top is browning too quickly before the cake is fully baked, lightly cover it with foil.

Remove from the oven and let cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Then, carefully remove the cake and serve warm, or allow it to cool completely before storing.

Enjoy as is, dusted with powdered sugar, or with a scoop of ice cream!


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